Our not-for-profit swimming club was established in 1904 at Surrey Dive in Box Hill. We are one of the largest clubs in Victoria and one of the oldest swimming clubs in Australia. We have produced a wide array of talented swimmers who have achieved various State, National, and International achievements while also producing some outstanding members of society who have benefited our community, Australia and the world. Our aim is to provide a positive club culture, cultivate friendships, and provide the best club environment for swimmers to reach their goals.
Surrey Park Swimming’s club squad program is overseen by our Head Coach, Justin Bell. Our Surrey Park Swimming programs are structured to cater to swimmers of all levels and abilities. Squads start at the Junior levels progressing to State, National, Age and Open High Performance squads. We support all swimmers no matter their goals, commitment level, and competition interest. In addition, Surrey Park Swimming offers a variety of activities, which include internal and external competition, social events, Club night racing, dryland training, strength and conditioning sessions, and swim camps every year.
The Club has an appointed Strength and Conditioning coach as well as partnerships with physiotherapists, nutritionists, sports psychologists, and fitness trainers to assist each swimmer to perform at their best.
Our clubrooms are located at Aqualink Box Hill and our squads train at all of our facilities in addition to other pools in Boroondara and City of Whitehorse local areas.
General enquiries
Club squad, membership and general enquiries: membership@surreypark.org.au
Account queries: accounts@surreypark.org.au

Log into your membership portal, view the Club Calendar listing to see all planned Club activities and swim meets.

Our club has a rich history of community volunteers supporting our Club so our Club can in turn give back to our community.